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Supplies & Construction Materials

We expand the boundaries of design and performance by understanding materials better.

Design shapes our experience of the world – from the buildings we inhabit to the products we use every day. In creating that world, designers are taking ever more sophisticated approaches to materials. Manzil’s materials specialists help designers navigate complex choices. We offer insight into the implications of materials for form, function, durability, budget and performance against any criteria. We guide clients in their choices through the complete life-cycle of projects, from concept to completion, on to dismantling, recycling and refurbishment.

Our teams have deep experience in concrete, metals, glass, stone, brick, timber and composites as well as in construction, manufacturing processes and product design. Many of our specialists are acknowledged leaders in their fields, and sit on industry panels and product standard committees.

From tried and tested to adventurous materials applications, our wide knowledge gives designers greater scope. Manzil works with some of the world’s most talented designers to realise their ideas. Our clients, across all sectors of construction and industry, face widely divergent challenges. To examine the all-round performance potential of materials in any context, we combine proficiency in applied materials science and research with the entire breadth of Manzil’s expertise.

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