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Fire Engineering

Manzil’s advanced approach to fire engineering means that we rise to the challenges posed by all types of structures. Whether providing code consultancy, strategic advice, fire prevention through specialised fire safety design, construction supervision, inspection and risk assessment, or post-fire recovery, our work is grounded in fire science.

We provide insight into risk and human behaviour, advanced techniques in simulation and analysis and international investment in research to stay at the forefront of fire engineering. Whatever the context, we tailor our response to match clients’ individual objectives – from strategies to manage their fire safety and protection risks and user-friendly management regimes, to construction compliance services that reduce programme delays.

Our longstanding fire safety expertise brings the skill needed to assist in recovery and analysis following fire. Fire safety cannot be understood in isolation as it often negotiates a delicate balance between the competing demands of design innovation, sustainability, functionality and fire performance. We simulated, analysed and evaluated multiple fire scenarios to design a management system that would maintain safety with minor building design modifications. It also allowed the library’s unique façade and lofty main atrium to be built as designed.