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Sustainable Buildings Design

At Manzil, we consider how all elements of a building’s design work together to meet the needs of its owners, occupants and environment. We believe that it is only by considering the total building design that we can create buildings that are efficient with resources, affordable to build and operate, good to inhabit and appropriate to their context.

We have long promoted sustainable solutions through integrated thinking by bringing together all the building designers and technical specialists needed to shape a new building or retrofit an existing building. Our specialists working seamlessly together, and with their collaborators, are behind many of the buildings considered to be exemplars of sustainability

We have helped many clients realise their sustainability aspirations by measuring sustainability against a wide range of parameters, and graphically showing before and after scenarios for proposed projects. We also go a step further with Manzil’s design strategy for sustainable buildings, which we created to get all Manzil designers thinking about sustainability in a way that would make a difference to every project.